صحت کارڈ | تپتے صحرا میں ایک سایہ دار شجر

Health card information| بدگمانیاں، پروپیگنڈہ اور حقائق سے پردہ اٹھاتی ایک غیر جاندار تحریر

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صحت کارڈ یا ہیلتھ کارڈ تحریک انصاف کا ایک شاندار منصوبہ ہے۔ جو کسی بھی مریض یا اس کے اہل خانہ کے لیے تپتے صحرا میں کسی نخلستان میں بہتے ٹھنڈے چشمے سے کم نہیں. ایک ایسا شجر جس کے سائے میں بیٹھ کر تھکا ہارا مسافر اپنی درد بھری زندگی سے چھٹکارا حاصل کر کے کچھ ساعتیں سکون محسوس کرتا ہے.

یہ منصوبہ خیبر پختون خواہ اور آزاد کشمیر میں پہلے اور پاکستان میں پچھلے سال شروع ہوا. اس کے آغاز سے پہلے لوگ حیران تھے کہ خالی خزانے کے ہوتے ہوئے یہ منصوبہ کیسے پایا تکمیل تک پہنچ سکتا ہے۔ اور اس کے اغاذ کے بعد اس کی تکمیل دیکھ کر وہ لوگ دنگ رہ گئے جو پورے تین سال مہنگی ترین ادویات خرید کر اپنا اور اپنے پیاروں کا علاج کرواتے رہے.

میں نے بہت سارے ڈاکٹرز اور سیاسی جماعتوں سے وابستہ دوستوں سے معلومات لیں اور غیر جانبدار ہو کر جو بات سمجھ آئی آپ کے سامنے رکھ رہا ہوں.

صحت کارڈ سے ہر پاکستانی فائدہ اٹھا سکتا ہے۔

سب سے پہلے تو یہ سمجھ لیں اس صحت کارڈ سے ہر پاکستانی فائدہ اٹھا سکتا ہے لیکن چند مختلف صورتوں میں۔  اور جو مختلف صورتیں ہیں وہ بالکل واضح ہیں اور پہلے سے طے شدہ ہیں. یعنی ایسا نہیں کہ کسی ایک مریض یا ایک شہر میں صحت کارڈ کی شرائط کچھ ہوں اور دوسرے میں کچھ اور. یا ڈاکٹر اپنی مرضی سے شرائط تبدیل کر کے کرپشن کر کے پیسے جیب میں ڈال لیں. اصل بات تو یہ ھے کہ اس سارے کیس میں کہیں پیسے کا عمل دخل ہے ہی نہیں. مریض کو پیسے دینے نہیں پڑتے۔ اور ڈاکٹر یا اس سے متعلقہ پرائیوٹ کمپنی پہلے ہی پیسے وصول کر چکی ہے.

یہ منصوبہ دراصل بنایا ہی اسی بنیاد پر گیا کہ حکومت سے ملنے والا ریلیف عوام تک پہنچنے تک کے درمیان جو کرپشن ہوتی ہے وہ نہ ہو. اور حکومت کی طرف سے جو بھی سہولت مل رہی ہے وہ عوام کے ہاتھ میں پہنچے. شوکت خانم بنانے والے اور اسے کامیابی سے چلانے والے خان صاحب ادویات تو تین سال تک سستی نہیں کر سکے۔ لیکن اس کا حل پھر انہوں نے یہی نکالا کہ ہسپتال میں داخل مریضوں کی نگہداشت اور آپریشن فری کر دئیے. تا کہ وہ مریض جو زندگی موت کی کشمکش میں پھنسے ہوئے ہیں ان کا علاج اس وجہ سے موخر نہ ہو کہ ان کے پاس آپریشن کے پیسے نہیں.

صحت کارڈ چیک کرنے کا طریقہ

ابتدا میں ہر پاکستانی کو صحت کارڈ اس کے گھر پہنچانے کا ارادہ تھا۔ لیکن ڈیجیٹل ترقی و سہولیات کا فائدہ اٹھاتے ہوئے آپ کے قومی شناضتی کارڈ کو ہی صحت کارڈ کا درجہ دے دیا گیا۔ اب آپ کا قومی شناختی کارڈ آپ کا صحت کارڈ ہے۔ اور یہ چیز چیک کرنے کے لیے اپنے قومی شناختی کارڈ کا نمبر 8500 پر ایس ایم ایس کریں۔ آپ کو فوراً جوابی میسج وصول ہوگا جس سے آپ کو پتہ چل جائے گا کہ آپ کا شناختی کارڈ پر صحت کارڈ کی سہولت موجود ہے کہ نہیں۔

آپ ایک خاندان کا فرد ہیں جس میں بغیر شناختی کارڈ یعن اٹھارہ سال سے کم عمر بچے بھی ہو سکتے ہیں تو یہ تمام ریکارڈ NADRA  کے ذریعے آپ نے خود گورنمنٹ کو دیا ہوا ہے اور یہی ریکارڈ ہر اس ہسپتال والوں کے پاس موجود ہے جو صحت کارڈ کے ذریعے علاج کی سہولت دے رہے ہیں

دوسری صورت میں یہ ویب سائٹ وزٹ کریں  اور citizen number  کے خانے میں  اپنا قومی شناختی کارڈ نمبر لکھیں ۔ اس سے آپ کو مکمل معلومات مل جائے گی کہ  آپ صحت انصاف کارڈ حاصل کرنے کے اہل ہیں یا نہیں۔

صحت کارڈ تپتے صحرا میں ایک سایہ دار شجر
Health card board in Hospitals

صحت کارڈ پر موجودہ سہولیات کی تفصیل

صحت کارڈ پر کیا کیا سہولیات موجود ہیں اور کیا کیا نہیں اس پر ایک الگ آرٹیکل لکھنے کی گنجائش ہے۔ وہ تمام تر تفصیلات آپ یہاں دیکھ سکتے ہیں ۔ اور اس کے علاوہ مختصر یہ سمجھ لیں کہ ایسی بیماری جس میں مریض کا کوئی آپریشن ہو یا اسے ہسپتال ایڈمٹ کرنا پڑے وہاں اس کے علاج کا خرچ صحت کارڈ پر ہو گا۔ باقی اگر مریض چیک اپ کروا کر گھر آ جاتا ہے تو اسے اپنے علاج کے لیے لی جانے والی ادویات اپنی جیب سے ہی ادا کرنی پڑیں گی.

اب ہوا یہ کہ تحریک انصاف اپنے تین سالہ دور حکومت میں کرونا، اپوزیشن، مافیہ عدلیہ اور آخر میں باجوہ کا بہانہ بنا کر کوئی عوامی ترقیاتی پروجیکٹ مکمل نہ کر سکی۔ اور جب نومبر 2021 میں عمران خان اور جنرل باجوہ کے درمیان نااتفاقی اور باہمی لڑائی کے نتیجے میں تحریک انصاف کو علم ہوا کہ ان کی حکومت اب نہیں بچنے والی۔۔۔ تو انہوں نے وہ پیسہ جو عوام سے تین سال ٹیکس کی صورت میں اور خالی خزانے کے بہانے کی صورت میں وصول کیا تھا دوبارہ صحت کارڈ کی شکل میں پرائیویٹ کمپنی کے حوالے کر دیا. یعنی تین سال مہنگی ادویات کی مد میں پاکستانی عوام سے لیا جانے والا ٹیکس دوبارہ عوام کے ہاتھوں میں۔

تحریک انصاف کی مقبولت کی ایک وجہ ۔۔۔ہیلتھ کارڈ

صحت کارڈ چل پڑا۔  عدم اعتماد کے نتیجے میں تحریک انصاف کی حکومت گر گئی اور اس طرح تحریک انصاف کی ساکھ جو مسلسل مہنگائی کی وجہ سے ختم ہوچکی تھی دوبارہ بحال ہو گئی. یہ بالکل ایسا ہی ہے کہ جیسے کراچی سندھ میں آج بھی بھٹو زندہ ہے جب کہ وہاں کے رہائشی پانی میں ہر سال ڈبکیاں لگاتے ہیں. بھٹو کے زندہ رہنے کی وجہ بینظر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام ہے جو ہر مہینے خواتین کے اکاؤنٹ میں پیسے پہنچا دیتا ہے۔ اور تحریک انصاف کی مقبولیت میں اینٹی اسٹیبلشمنٹ تڑکے کے ساتھ ساتھ صحت کارڈ کا بھی کافی عمل دخل ہے. ظاہری بات ہے جس خاندان میں ایک فرد بھی صحت کارڈ کی بدولت موت کے منہ میں جاتے جاتے واپس آیا ہو اس پورے خاندان کی حمایت تو تحریک انصاف کو ہی حاصل ہو گی.

ہیلتھ کارڈ پر  استعمال ہونے والی رقم کہاں سے ائی

اب یہ جو ہم چند ماہ سے ڈیفالٹ ہونے کی باتیں سن رہے تھے وہ یہی وجہ تھی کہ سابقہ تین سال عوام سے لیے گئے ٹیکس کا سارا پیسہ صحت کارڈ کی شکل میں واپس عوام کے پاس پہنچ گیا اور پی ڈی ایم حکومت خالی خزانہ لیکر بیٹھی ہوئی ہے. اب پی ڈی ایم والے یہ بھی نہیں کہہ سکتے کہ ملک صرف آئی ایم ایف امداد نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے ڈیفالٹ کے قریب ہے ۔

اور اس سے زیادہ دلچسپ بات یہ کہ تحریک انصاف بھی نہیں پوچھ سکتی کہ ہم تو خزانہ بھر کر گئے تھے وہ کہاں گیا؟ کیوں کہ انہیں بھی معلوم ہے کہ ہر چھوٹے بڑے پاکستانی خاندان کے دس لاکھ کے حساب سے عوام کا پیسہ صحت کارڈ چلانے والی کمپنی کو سرکاری خزانے سے ادا کیا جا چکا ہے. جو بوقت ضرورت دوبارہ عوام پر استعمال بھی ہو رہا ہے الحمد للہ

صحت کارڈ ن لیگ کا منصوبہ؟

اب مزید دلچسپ بات یہ ہے کہ یہ منصوبہ دراصل ن لیگ کا شروع کیا ہوا ہے لیکن ہر نئی حکومت اورر اس کے سیاستدان سابقہ حکومت کے ترقیاتی منصوبوں کی تختی اتار کر اپنے نام کی تختی لگا دیتے ہیں یا لگانے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں . اور یہاں بھی یہی کچھ ہوا.

پی ٹی آئی کی حکومت آتے ہی وہ والا صحت کارڈ بند کر دیا گیا… جس پر عمران خان نے مسلم لیگ ن  پر تنقیدی ٹویٹ کی تھی .

صحت کارڈ تپتے صحرا میں ایک سایہ دار شجر
Imran khan tweet about PMLN Health card

مزید یہ کہ تحریک انصاف حکومت بنتے ہی ادویات مہنگی کر دی گئیں. اور پھر اپنے دور اقتدار کے آخری دنوں میں صحت کارڈ کو تحریک انصاف کا بہترین اور منفرد نوعیت کا انقلابی اقدام بنا کر پیش کیا گیا. اور لوگوں نے تسلیم بھی کر لیا.

اس کی ایک وجہ ن لیگ کا میڈیا سیل تحریک انصاف کے مقابلے میں انتہائی کمزور ہے اور دوسرا ن لیگ پر جتنے کرپشن کے کیسز اور الزامات ہیں ان کی روشنی میں ن لیگ کے اچھے اقدامات بھی چھپ جاتے ہیں. ایک بڑی وجہ اور بھی ہیں کہ ن لیگ والے اپنے ترقیاتی کام بیان کرنے کا سلیقہ نہیں رکھتے. مثلاً تین سال قبل موٹر وے زیادتی کیس کے موقع پر شہباز شریف قومی اسمبلی میں تقریر کے دوران فرما گئے کہ چونکہ یہ زیادتی موٹر وے پر ہوئی اس لیے یہ کہنا غیر مناسب نہیں ہو گا کہ یہ موٹر وے بھی میاں نواز شریف صاحب نے بنوائی تھی. اب جب آپ قومی اسمبلی میں موقع کی نزاکت و مناسب سمجھے بغیر اپنے ترقیاتی منصوبوں سے پردہ اٹھانا شروع کریں گے تو بدلے میں تعریف نہیں ٹماٹر اور جوتے ہی ملیں گے

پرائیوٹ کمپنی صحت کارڈ کے ذریعے ہر پاکستانی کا  بلاتخصیص علاج کرتی ہے

پرائیوٹ کمپنی نے حکومت سے پیسے وصول کرنے کے بعد ہر بڑے شہر کے مختلف ہسپتالوں میں صحت کارڈ کی سہولت مہیا کی. گورنمنٹ نے نہ صرف آن لائن بلکہ ہر متعلقہ ہسپتال میں بورڈ لگوا کر بھی بتا دیا کہ یہاں علاج صحت کارڈ کے ذریعے ہو گا.

اب مریض آن لائن صحت کارڈ والا ہسپتال تلاش کرتے ہیں اسی ہسپتال میں پہنچتے ہیں… چیک اپ کرواتے ہیں اگر وہ علاج صحت کارڈ کی شرائط کے مطابق ہونا ہوتا ہے تو فری ہو جاتا ہے ورنہ مریض کو اپنی جیب سے ادویات کے پیسے دینے پڑتے ہیں. کمپنی نہ ہی کسی مریض کا اندراج کر کے اس کے علاج سے بلاوجہ انکار کرتی ہے (کیوں کہ یہ گناہ بے لذت ہے یعنی اس صورت میں ہسپتال میں بیٹھے کمپنی کا نمائندہ کو کچھ بھی نہیں ملتا ) اور نہ ہی ہر چھوٹے بڑے مرض میں مبتلا فرد کو صحت کارڈ کے ذریعے علاج کی سہولت دیتی ہے.

صحت کارڈ انتہائی مفید اور شاندار عوامی منصوبہ ہے۔  اس کے بند ہونے کے کوئی امکان نہیں فی الحال اور جو اسے بند کرے گا عوام کی طرف سے شدید مزاحمت برداشت کرے گا. باقی جہاں تک یہ بات ہے کہ یہ کتنا مفید ہے تو
اس کی افادیت صرف وہی سمجھ سکتا ہے جس کا کوئی پیارا ہسپتال میں داخل ہو…. اور ڈاکٹر اچانک اسے کہے کہ آپ کے عزیز کا آپریشن ناگزیر ہے اور اتنے لاکھ روپے میں ہو گا…. ابھی آپ سوچ رہے ہوں کہ گھر کی کیا چیز بیچوں یا گروی رکھوں کہ میرا جان سے پیارا رشتہ دار دوبارہ جی اٹھے اور اسی وقت ہی ڈاکٹر آپ کو آ کر بتائے کہ آپ کے رشتہ دار کا علاج صحت کارڈ کے ذریعے مفت ہو رہا ہے… فکر نہ کریں!


تحریر: سلیم اللہ صفدر

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    Drop me a line via email/skype below to see if you qualify for a free GAMIFICATION of your video.

    email: gamifyvideo@gmail.com
    skype: live:.cid.d347be37995c0a8d

  6. Alta Nixon کہتے ہیں

    hi there!

    The amazingurdu.com team got a significant mention in an article recently, have you checked it out? I found it shared on my feed, below is the article:


    In any case, kudos, that’s a huge accomplishment.

    All the best annd keep up the good work,

  7. Norman Fong کہتے ہیں

    Hey there Visionary,

    Ever feel like you’re in an endless battle for traffic, stuck between high-cost ads and the slow burn of SEO? It’s time to tap into a gold mine that most are overlooking: Google Image Search powered by AI.

    Introducing StockDreams, the game-changer in visual content creation: https://www.earnmorenow.info/stockdreams

    StockDreams isn’t just another image tool; it’s a visionary’s playground, powered by AI to ensure your visuals do more than just ‘show’ – they perform.

    With StockDreams, you’re unlocking an arsenal of AI-generated visuals, from captivating stock images and vibrant illustrations to bespoke logos, icons, and even brand characters.

    Not to mention the doodles that can bring the fun to your brand voice, and product images that sell not just a product but a story.

    Here’s what StockDreams unlocks for you:

    ?? AI-generated stock images tailored to your niche.

    ?? Custom illustrations to give your content a polished, professional edge.

    ?? Dynamic logos and icons that capture your brand essence.

    ?? Unique brand characters to personify your business and connect with audiences.

    ??? Engaging doodles to humanize your marketing and make it relatable.

    ?? Product images that spotlight your offerings in the best light.

    And all of this comes with an easy-to-use image editor that makes customization a breeze.

    Ready to revolutionize how you attract visitors? Dive into the world of StockDreams: https://www.earnmorenow.info/stockdreams

    Wave goodbye to traffic woes and hello to a visually-rich future.

    StockDreams is not just a solution; it’s your partner in capturing the attention your business deserves.

    Unlock your potential, one click at a time.

    Excited for you to see the difference,

    Norman Fong

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.earnmorenow.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 290 Arrowood Drive
    Jacksonville, FL 32207

  8. Sam Killian کہتے ہیں

    Struggling to Launch Your Online E-commerce Store?
    Missing out on potential sales and customers? Building a successful eCommerce site can be complex and time-consuming.
    Transform Your Business with Expert eCommerce Development at affordable prices!

    ✅ Customized Online Stores
    ✅ Seamless User Experience
    ✅ Boosted Sales and Conversions

    Ready to create an E-Commerce store? Start Today!

    Don’t let eCommerce challenges hold you back. Launch a powerful online store with our expert eCommerce development services!

  9. Floy Cilley کہتے ہیں

    Claim your Reputation Video at no cost to you! Watch as we transform your exceptional 5-star reviews into captivating SEO content, propelling your visibility on Google’s front page. Claim your free video now: http://boost-your-reputation-with-videos.info

  10. Anne Maurer کہتے ہیں

    Hey amazingurdu.com,

    Are you still feeling the pinch of holiday debt? We’ve got the solution for you! Introducing Quick Side Hustle – the secret to making holiday debt disappear before your next credit card statement.

    With our 1-Click "No-Selling System,” you can earn $208+ per day effortlessly (or drive a lot of traffic to your website), exploiting 57+ platforms worth a whopping $142.08 billion dollars.

    Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! Grab your copy of Quick Side Hustle now before the price increases: https://www.vaulemedia.com/quicksidehustle .

    Act fast – only 8 out of 99 spots are remaining! The first 99 action takers also get instant access to the "Copy, Paste, And Profit” upgrade, where the average user made $99/hour. This upgrade is valued at $997, and with just 8 spots left, time is of the essence.

    Don’t wait – secure your spot and start turning the tide on your finances today!

    Anne Maurer

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.vaulemedia.com/unsubscribe
    591 Adamsville Road
    Laredo, TX 78040

  11. Angeles Guevara کہتے ہیں


    It’s been a while since our last conversation, but I recently stumbled upon something online about amazingurdu.com and felt it necessary to reach out.

    It appears like there’s some unfavorable news that could be harmful to your reputation.
    Knowing how fast misinformation can spread and not wanting you to be taken by surprise, I decided to warn you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    I’m hoping it’s all a mix-up, but I thought it best you should know!

    Best wishes,

  12. Wilburn Northcutt کہتے ہیں

    Are you okay running your business without much funds? This could slow down growth and delay returns on your business.

    Now you have the Opportunity to Fund your Busineses and Projects without stress and without the burden of repayment as our interest in first for the growth of your business and projects, and for your to arrive at your desired business goals and dreams.

    Take advantage of our Funding opportunity and get funded on your business and Projects within days and have an ample number of years/Loan Term Period which gives you time to grow and achieve your business goals.

    Give us a call on:
    +852 3008 8373,
    or write us at:

  13. Mickey Rothstein کہتے ہیں

    We haven’t spoken in a while, but I just saw a warning article online about amazingurdu.com and thought it was important to message you guys to disprove this article.

    It appears like there’s some rumors circulating that could be detrimental.
    Being aware of how easily stories can get out of hand and wishing not you to be taken by surprise, I thought it best to warn you.

    Here’s where I came across the info:


    My hope is it’s all a mix-up, but I believed it necessary you should know!

    All the best to you,

  14. Rob Leibowitz کہتے ہیں

    GAMIFY your videos and get viewers to happily give you their email and phone number.

    There is no other tech like this..it’s the next big thing. As seen on CBS, NBC, FOX, and ABC.

    See if you qualify for a free GAMIFICATION of your video.

    Contact me via my email or skype below for more details

    email: gamifyvideo@gmail.com
    skype: live:.cid.d347be37995c0a8d

  15. Ourdecap کہتے ہیں

    Сериал про космос – [url=https://sg-video.ru/]сериал звездные врата[/url]

  16. Robby Card کہتے ہیں

    Is Your Website Not Ranking In Google?
    Losing potential customers to competitors? Your website’s low rankings are costing you valuable leads and revenue.
    Boost Your Rankings with Monthly SEO Services!

    >> Benefits:
    > Increase Search Engine Rankings
    > Drive Targeted Traffic
    > Boost Conversions
    > 4x Profits

    >> Transform Your Business Today!
    >> Click here to know more: https://alwaysdigital.co/?src=m14amazingurdu.com

  17. Alphary کہتے ہیں

    Exciting news! We’ve discovered an incredible tool to streamline your file management on your server.
    By incorporating FileBrowser, you can:

    Optimize your file management experience with its intuitive web interface, allowing easy browsing, uploading, moving, copying, and deleting of files without complex commands or FTP clients.
    Retrieve access to your files from anywhere via the internet, eliminating the need to be physically present near the server.
    Streamline file sharing by generating temporary download links or granting restricted access to specific files or folders.
    And the best part? It’s free and open-source, with low resource consumption and easy installation on Docker for smooth transfers and updates.
    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to effortlessly manage your server files. Contact us to get started now!


  18. Gennie Ketner کہتے ہیں


    We haven’t spoken in a while, but I just read a very negative opinon online about amazingurdu.com and immediately needed to reach out to disprove this article.

    It seems like there’s some unfavorable news that could be potentially damaging.
    Understanding how quickly rumors can spiral and not wanting you to be caught off guard, I thought it best to inform you.

    Here’s where I came across the info:


    I’m hoping it’s all a mix-up, but it seemed prudent you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

  19. Magdalene Dorsey کہتے ہیں


    Social Media is almost DEAD!

    No matter what you post, go live or how much money you spend on ads..

    You just can’t get the traction & results you used to get.

    So where did all the traffic go? Actually, it’s been REINVENTED to give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE if know how to exploit it..

    ==> How to exploit it and get 100k visitors/month: https://www.busitoday.co/reelrampageai

    The biggest thing happening in social media right now is "Instagram Reels!”

    And if you’re not using this "SECRET SAUCE” AI technology + Ram’s private strategies to get more reach, followers, traffic & sales – You are missing out BIG TIME.

    Newbies, people with no real skills, no experience, no idea, and some just by pure luck, unknowingly are pulling in 10k, 100k even 1M visitors for every reel they post..

    With ReelRampage AI, you can easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE, attention-grabbing Instagram Reels that drive traffic & sales to your websites, blogs, and offers in just 3 clicks..

    ==> WATCH QUICK DEMO HERE: https://www.busitoday.co/reelrampageai

    ReelRampage AI is available for a Low One Time Price during its public launch for the next few days only..

    After this week, it will turn into a higher recurring subscription price model.

    Act fast and get your account at the lowest price ever.

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI For A Low One-Time Price Now: https://www.busitoday.co/reelrampageai

    See you inside.

    All the best
    Magdalene Dorsey

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.busitoday.co/unsubscribe
    Address: 2340 Camden Place
    Charleston, SC 29424

  20. John Mccombs کہتے ہیں

    If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email virgo.t3@gmail.com or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

  21. Rahul کہتے ہیں


    My name is Rahul. I am a Data Entry Virtual Assistant. I will follow your step-by-step process and get things done for you at just $10 per hour.

    I can do Online Data Entry, Medical Bill Data Entry, Copy Paste Work, Document Data Entry, Physical to Digital Document Conversion, WooCommerce/Magento/Shopify Product Data Entry, Amazon/Ebay/Etsy/Walmart/Target Product Data Entry, Facebook Shop/Google Merchant Store Product Data Entry, Application Forms Data Entry, Software Data Entry, Invoice/Billing Data Entry Processing, Insurance Claim Processing, Order Entry, Purchase Entry, Captcha Filling, 1 by 1 Manual Entry, Step-by-Step Process Entry, E-Commerce Product Data Entry, Market Research Forms Processing, Credit Cards Form Processing, Survey Forms Processing, Mortgage Forms Processing, Data Collection, Sales Leads, List Collection using your Strategy and Criteria, List Creation, Typing Work, Data capturing from websites, WordPress/Shopify Data Entry, Web scrapping and putting data into excel sheet, Proper formatting of excel entries, Resolve different formats of excel entries into 1 format, Process repetition, Google spreadsheet,
    Property data research, Linkedin Data Collection, Business Card Data Entry, Finding leads online.

    If you have any requirements, please send me an email on Hireonline4455@outlook.com

  22. Lyle Thomas کہتے ہیں

    I have to be brutally honest today.. I suck at SEO lol – there I said it.

    Although I understand how POWERFUL it is to get free traffic from Google, I just never had any interest to put it to use for my business..

    Especially when it comes to the ONGOING syndication and ‘backlinking’ portion of it.

    That’s what REALLY turned me off about it.

    Always having to be constantly syndicating my content all over the web for my content to rank on the first page..

    If I ever did get into SEO, that’s the FIRST thing I’d get someone to do FOR ME!

    That’s why – for the FIRST TIME EVER – I’m kinda EXCITED about SEO ??

    A couple of genius SEO marketers have created a system that does EXACTLY that.

    They’ve SIMPLIFIED the ENTIRE social syndication process so that ANYONE can tap into the power of Page 1 rankings – EVEN if they SUCK at SEO or are BRAND new to the subject. (LIKE me)

    And they have just opened the doors to their updated and GREATLY improved 5.0 version!

    Introducing DFY Suite 5.0!

    DFY Suite will allow you to Get FREE, Targeted BUYER-Traffic In 48 Hours Or Less By Leveraging The Power Of High-Quality Social Syndication With their NEW, Done-For-YOU System!

    Yup, you can now leverage the POWER of Page 1 Rankings Via Social Syndication for ANY location and/or ANY language with:

    – NO Software To Install
    – No Software Training To Learn
    – No previous SEO knowledge or experience
    – No Social Account Creation Needed
    – No Content Needed Besides their URL
    – No Proxies or Captchas Needed
    – NONE of that stuff..

    Heck, you don’t even need to KNOW what social syndication IS lol

    All you need to do is:

    1. Login to the web-based portal
    2. Submit your Keywords and URL you want traffic for
    3. Hit “Submit”

    Yup, That’s IT!

    From There their System Will Get To Work And Build You HUNDREDS of High-Quality Syndication Links To Your Content to skyrocket it to page 1 of Google!

    PLUS, if you’re 100% NEW to SEO, they’re also including a quick CRASH course on Keyword Research AND Content optimization that should take you no more than 20-30 minutes to go through.

    With DFY Suite PLUS the Keyword Research and Content Optimization crash course, you’ll be able to start getting traffic from Google without EVER having to spend HOURS upon HOURS doing the HEAVY-LIFTING yourself.

    Check out DFY Suite Here: https://www.realdollar.xyz/dfysuite

    “But wait, did you say they’ve just opened 5.0?”

    Yup, and with their 5.0 updates they have made their platform BETTER, FASTER and MORE powerful to Deliver you even MORE rankings, Traffic & sales.

    In version 5.0 they have:

    – 5x’d their sites, 5x’d the authority, 5x’d the ranking power! Now instead of being able to get up to 200 different syndication links to your content, you can get up to 1,000! And the domains they’ve added are ALL packing A LOT more authority

    – Done for you GLOBAL Rankings. Yup, WORLDWIDE Rankings are finally HERE via their multi-language support. Yes, you read that correctly! They now cover EVERY LANGUAGE you can think of, so you can get page 1 rankings REGARDLESS of where you are in the world!

    – Totally revamped their server set up to now Include IP’s from ALL over the world to SUPERCHARGE their new WORLDWIDE ranking power!

    – Totally revamped their content generation system Which is now powered by REAL Artificial intelligence With Creaite being the engine to that! REAl A.I means QUALITY, unique content being written for EVERY campaign You submit. And we ALL know how much Google loves quality content.

    – and much much more… (they have a WHOLE section And video covering what’s new in 5.0 – there’s 7 MAJOR updates total)

    This is EASILY their MOST powerful update To date and you can get access to it at an INSANE discount.

    Check out how it works here: https://www.realdollar.xyz/dfysuite

    This is the GO-TO platform for DFY, page 1 rankings!

    Lyle Thomas

    P.S. Getting page 1 rankings has NEVER been easier.

    With DFY Suite You’ll be able to:

    – rank your videos on page 1
    – rank your niche sites on page 1
    – rank your e-commerce sites on page 1
    – rank your Amazon listings
    – rank your CLIENT’s sites
    – rank ANY URL you’d like to get traffic for..

    It’s really the PERFECT solution for us “lazy” seo marketers hahah

    And their 5.0 updates have REALLY taken things to the NEXT level!

    check it out here: https://www.realdollar.xyz/dfysuite

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.realdollar.xyz/unsubscribe

    Address: 4446 White Lane, Butler, GA 31009

  23. Toni Lovett کہتے ہیں

    Hi amazingurdu.com,
    Do you know?
    There are more than 400 Million registered small businesses across the globe…
    Here’s the shocking part…
    More than 84% of these business owners rate sending targeted emails that land in their inbox for ultimately closing them As Their BIGGEST Concern.
    Even if you are an established business honcho or just starting out in the digital marketing universe,
    Artificial intelligence is the new GRAND DADDY in the targeted lead finding universe, & businesses of all shapes & sizes can’t ignore its huge worth at any cost.

    (Or, you can simply join affiliate networks like Shareasale/Commission Junction, and then promote affiliate products to get a lot of commissions.)

    Now if you’re looking for a brand new artificial intelligence based technology for finding profitable business leads across the globe.

    I’ve got some GREAT NEWS…
    Presenting SendBuddy AI: https://www.solveques.xyz/sendbuddyai
    World’s First, AI Powered Email Marketing Technology That Lets You Find Millions Of Red Hot Leads & Even Send Them Targeted Emails Right Inside Their Inbox in Less Than 60 Seconds.

    All this & much more…
    • Without wasting money on hiring expensive freelancers
    • Without purchasing any complicated lead finding platforms
    • Without doing anything yourself
    • OR depending on expensive third party subscriptions…

    & here’s the biggest news…
    Now, You Can Make Even More Profit By Helping Businesses With Complete Agency Commercial License.

    Yes, with this premium commercial license, even you can make a cool passive income by giving these high in demand services for your clients as well

    Take my word, if you’re tired of all the bullshit going around and want to have a secured financial future, then SendBuddy AI is the happy ending for your search.

    By now, you know that there is huge potential for you…

    And, with this by your side, you’ve got the ultimate edge over your competition.

    Hope you’re not willing to miss out on its IMMENSE potential.

    Still have doubts…
    Watch SendBuddy AI Short Demo Video Here: https://www.solveques.xyz/sendbuddyai

    Oops, did I forget to mention…
    You’re also getting exclusive bonuses worth $…. that will make this deal an unforgettable affair

    But these are available for a very limited time. So, don’t you dare miss out on this.

    Grab SendBuddy AI With Limited Time Bonuses Today: https://www.solveques.xyz/sendbuddyai

    To Your Success,

    Toni Lovett

    P.S- We bet it’s the best you could get at such a low price. So don’t waste a second and get this before the prices go beyond your limits.

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.solveques.xyz/unsubscribe

    Address: 3153 Farland Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78204

  24. mnogofakto_nqKa کہتے ہیں

    Статистика использования многофакторной аутентификации
    приложение multifactor [url=http://mnogofaktornaya-autentifikaciya.ru/]vpn kz[/url] .

  25. Beau Place کہتے ہیں

    We haven’t spoken in a while, but I just saw a warning article online about amazingurdu.com and felt compelled to email you guys to disprove this review.

    It looks like there’s some rumors circulating that could be harmful to your reputation.
    Understanding how fast misinformation can spread and wishing not you to be unprepared, I decided to warn you.

    Here’s the source of the info:


    I’m hoping it’s all a misunderstanding, but it seemed prudent you should know!

    Best wishes,

  26. Phil Stewart کہتے ہیں

    Hey there, ready to take your ad game to the next level? Imagine your message popping up in website contact forms all over the world, reaching heaps of potential customers! Starting at just under $100, our affordable packages pack a punch. Shoot me an email now to chat more about getting your brand out there! Let’s make some noise together!

    Phil Stewart
    Email: 7ujatu@gomail2.xyz
    Skype: live:.cid.2bc4ed65aa40fb3b

  27. Joann Donahoe کہتے ہیں

    Hey there Visionary,

    Ever feel like you’re in an endless battle for traffic, stuck between high-cost ads and the slow burn of SEO? It’s time to tap into a gold mine that most are overlooking: Google Image Search powered by AI.

    Introducing StockDreams, the game-changer in visual content creation: https://www.nowbusiness.info/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams isn’t just another image tool; it’s a visionary’s playground, powered by AI to ensure your visuals do more than just ‘show’ – they perform.

    With StockDreams, you’re unlocking an arsenal of AI-generated visuals, from captivating stock images and vibrant illustrations to bespoke logos, icons, and even brand characters.

    Not to mention the doodles that can bring the fun to your brand voice, and product images that sell not just a product but a story.

    Here’s what StockDreams unlocks for you:

    ?? AI-generated stock images tailored to your niche.

    ?? Custom illustrations to give your content a polished, professional edge.

    ?? Dynamic logos and icons that capture your brand essence.

    ?? Unique brand characters to personify your business and connect with audiences.

    ??? Engaging doodles to humanize your marketing and make it relatable.

    ?? Product images that spotlight your offerings in the best light.

    And all of this comes with an easy-to-use image editor that makes customization a breeze.

    Ready to revolutionize how you attract visitors? Dive into the world of StockDreams: https://www.nowbusiness.info/dreamsgoogle

    Wave goodbye to traffic woes and hello to a visually-rich future.

    StockDreams is not just a solution; it’s your partner in capturing the attention your business deserves.

    Unlock your potential, one click at a time.

    Excited for you to see the difference,

    Joann Donahoe

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.nowbusiness.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 2025 Monroe Avenue
    Palmetto, FL 34221

  28. Lonnie Parker کہتے ہیں


    If you ‘re not using Instagram Reels to pull in massive amounts of traffic, you’re missing out BIG time.

    Every other newbie, kid, housewife, grandpa, even people with no idea are leveraging it to get..

    – 10k, 100k even 1M visitors
    – More followers & engagement
    – More sales & revenue

    Instagram is Favouring Reels, and organically PUSHING them hard resulting in massive reach & engagement if you know how to exploit it…

    ==> See how to EXPLOIT INSTAGRAM FAVOURITISM in next 5 min: https://www.databaseen.com/reelrampageai

    But, the BIG PROBLEM with Instagram is…

    Just posting 1 reel a day doesn’t work, you need to post a LOT of reels everyday and that takes hours & days to do.

    Plus you must know the RIGHT way, RIGHT strategy to create & post reels or they won’t even get seen.

    Not anymore..

    Introducing ReelRampage AI…
    A "SECRET SAUCE” AI technology that helps you quickly & easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE, attention grabbing Instagram Reels in minutes that drive traffic & sales to your websites, blogs & offers – FAST!

    Plus with Ram’s step-by-step video training and case studies, you’ll have everything you need to become a reels master & take your traffic game to the next level!

    ==> WATCH QUICK DEMO HERE: https://www.databaseen.com/reelrampageai

    ReelRampage AI is available for a Low One Time Price during its public launch for the next few days only..
    After this week, it will turn into a higher recurring subscription price model.

    Act Fast and Get Your Account at the Lowest Price Ever.

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI For A Low One-Time Price Now: https://www.databaseen.com/reelrampageai

    See you inside.

    All the best,
    Lonnie Parker

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.databaseen.com/unsubscribe
    Address: 1303 Bird Spring Lane
    Kemah, TX 77565

  29. Dave Barreiro کہتے ہیں

    Have you heard of Se-REM? (Self effective – Rapid Eye Movement). Many people don’t know that REM brain activity dramatically improves the processing of traumatic emotion. It creates peace and empowers the listener. Se-REM is an advanced version of EMDR therapy. It is more powerful because it combines elements of 6 different therapies, EMDR, hypnosis, mindfulness, Gestalt child within work, music therapy, and Awe therapy,(connecting profoundly with nature).

    It has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, and anxiety. But it is also helpful in a great many situations, loss of any kind, grief, and even marital counseling. It’s mission statement is "Trauma relief at as close to free as possible”. This not-for-profit program downloads to a smart phone or computer and can be used in an office or at home. Read about it, hear samples, and download at: Se-REM.com. Once you own the program, you are encouraged to give it away to others who will benefit. I provide free consultation to all who use the program. Write questions to: davidb@se-rem.com.

    Se-REM.com has a 95% rating on Trustpilot and is in use in 32 countries.

  30. MikhailRS کہتے ہیں

    Здравствуйте. Увеличу посещаемость и доходность сайта, а также решу все имеющиеся на сайте проблемы. Причем рост посещаемости будет идти за счет притока целевых посетителей из поисковых систем, что для вас максимально выгодно и перспективно.

    Немного информации о себе. Я являюсь специалистом в области создания, доработки и продвижения сайтов. Также имею знания и опыт в ряде смежных областей. Опыт работы составляет больше 20 лет. Работу всегда выполняю качественно. Цены умеренные.

    Основные направления моей деятельности: создание сайтов, улучшение сайтов и исправление ошибок, продвижение сайтов в поисковых системах, настройка рекламных кампаний в сервисах контекстной рекламы, различного рода массовые рассылки (дают хороший единоразовый приток продаж), работа с отзывами в интернете. Также занимаюсь озданием, доработкой и продвижением групп и каналов в социальных сетях (YouTube, Instagram, Telegram и другие).

    Пишите на мою почту: prodvigeniemr@gmail.com


    Hello. I will increase traffic and profitability of the site, and also solve all the problems existing on the site. Moreover, the increase in traffic will be due to the influx of targeted visitors from search engines, which is the most profitable and promising for you.

    A little information about yourself. I am a specialist in the field of creation, improving and promotion of websites. I also have knowledge and experience in a number of related fields. Work experience is more than 20 years. I always do quality work. Prices are moderate.

    The main areas of my activity: creating websites, improving websites and correcting errors, promoting websites in search engines, setting up advertising campaigns in contextual advertising services, various types of mass mailings (they give a good one-time influx of sales), working with reviews on the Internet. I also create, refine and promote groups and channels on social networks (YouTube, Instagram, Telegram and others).

    Write to my email: prodvigeniemr@gmail.com

  31. Aundrea Hoover کہتے ہیں

    Get a free video for your website to boost your reputation on social media. Your 5 star reviews become SEO videos that come up when someone Googles your reputation. http://free-review-videos.info

  32. Mike Saunder کہتے ہیں

    This service is perfect for boosting your local business’ visibility on the map in a specific location.

    We provide Google Maps listing management, optimization, and promotion services that cover everything needed to rank in the Google 3-Pack.

    More info:

    Thanks and Regards
    Mike Saunder

    PS: Want a ONE-TIME comprehensive local plan that covers everything?

  33. Debra Crook کہتے ہیں

    Hi ,


    This new AI eLearning platform has blown me away, and I can’t stop myself from sharing it with you…

    What if you could have an all-in-one eLearning business solution with your own marketplace, courses, and a built-in student interface for practically pennies?

    =>> Check this out: https://www.keydollar.xyz/coursemateai

    It’s called CourseMateAi, and I think you’re really going to like it.

    How would you like to turn any IDEA into a profitable eLearning business?

    And to do it WITHOUT any hassle or technical skills?

    Well! The time has come to make that happen!

    CourseMateAi is a brand new web-based platform that lets you start your own eLearning business in a matter of minutes.

    Check out some of the great benefits of CourseMateAi:

    [+] Start your own business with NO experience required
    [+] Turn mere ideas into full educational courses with AI
    [+] Create your own academy sites in just minutes
    [+] Use AI to generate courses to start selling immediately
    [+] Sell courses on your own marketplace & keep 100% profits
    [+] Create courses on any Topic – Become authority in any Niche
    [+] Manage your courses, students, payments & more from one dashboard
    [+] Create courses quick & easy – add unlimited lessons with AI
    [+] Keep 100% of the profits, traffic & leads
    [+] Target multiple niches and markets
    [+] And so much more…

    I know it sounds incredible, which is why you really just need to see it. Check out the demo here: https://www.keydollar.xyz/coursemateai

    To be clear, you don’t even have to create your own courses. You simply harness the power of AI to generate brand new original courses from scratch.

    Right now they are offering it on a special launch deal. As you will see on the page, the price is going to increase very soon.

    Therefore I recommend checking it out today, and claim your access to everything with this special deal… while you still can: https://www.keydollar.xyz/coursemateai

    Now is the perfect time to get into this business, as the eLearning industry is exploding with growth. Don’t wait, join me on CourseMateAi today!

    To your success,

    Debra Crook

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.keydollar.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 2891 Joy Lane
    Irvine, CA 92614

  34. Darnell Rodman کہتے ہیں

    hi there!

    It has been quite some time, but I recently stumbled upon a very negative opinon online about amazingurdu.com and thought it important to email you guys to confirm this article.

    It appears like there’s some rumors circulating that could be potentially damaging.
    Knowing how fast misinformation can spread and not wanting you to be caught off guard, I thought it best to warn you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    My hope is it’s all a simple confusion, but I thought it best you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

  35. Chris Costa کہتے ہیں

    Dear amazingurdu.com,

    Are you struggling to attract traffic to your site or offers? Discover the groundbreaking solution at TrafficWave Generator! Our platform revolutionizes the way you generate traffic, leveraging a platform with 450 million monthly users. Imagine tapping into this vast, untapped source with ease: https://www.busihelp.xyz/trafficwave .

    TrafficWave Generator is here to change the game. Perfect for beginners and fully automated, it’s your key to a steady stream of visitors. Say goodbye to complicated strategies and hello to effortless traffic generation.

    Don’t miss out on transforming your online presence. Stay tuned for more details tomorrow!

    Chris Costa

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.busihelp.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 4575 Jacobs Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15212

  36. Stacey Greville کہتے ہیں

    Explore Europe Without Data Limits!

    Unlimited 4/5G Data SIM Card: Say goodbye to roaming charges and data anxiety. Stay connected across Europe hassle-free!

    Get Yours Now! http://www.prepaideuropa.online/

  37. Irving Linderman کہتے ہیں

    hi, just a warning,

    We haven’t spoken in a while, but I recently stumbled upon a warning article online about amazingurdu.com and immediately needed to email you guys to validate this review.

    It looks like there’s some rumors circulating that could be harmful to your reputation.
    Knowing how quickly rumors can spiral and not wanting you to be caught off guard, I felt the need to warn you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    I hope it’s all a mix-up, but I believed it necessary you should know!

    All the best to you,

  38. Tobiasonton کہتے ہیں

    Hi there! amazingurdu.com

    Did you know that it is possible to send business proposal perfectly legit? We propose a new, legal method of sending appeals through feedback forms.
    Messages sent via Feedback Forms are unlikely to get into spam, as they are viewed as important.
    Take advantage of our free service!
    We can send up to 50,000 messages on your instruction.

    The cost of sending one million messages is $59.

    This letter is automatically generated.
    Please use the contact details below to get in touch with us.

    Contact us.
    Telegram – https://t.me/FeedbackFormEU
    Skype live:feedbackform2019
    WhatsApp +375259112693
    WhatsApp https://wa.me/+375259112693

    We only use chat for communication.

  39. Frank Gallagher کہتے ہیں

    Hello Visionary,

    Let’s face it, Photoshop has been both a blessing and a bane for many of us. Photoshop and Illustrator are powerhouses for digital creativity, but that steep learning curve? It’s like signing up for a four-year degree in graphic design!

    However, there’s a brighter, far simpler path to graphic excellence. It’s called StockDreams, and you can catch a glimpse here: https://www.vauleonline.co/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams is the leveler – the platform where literally ANYONE can create top-tier graphics with ease.

    Choose from the vast selection of AI-generated templates, tweak to taste, and voilà, you’re crafting visuals that even Michelangelo would nod at. Plus, these are not just for your portfolio; they’re assets you can monetize handsomely.

    Even if design software has never been your friend, StockDreams is your ally. It’s straightforward:

    Select the image type.
    Describe with a few words.
    Download and sell your creations for profit!

    It’s so intuitive that users of any age can create striking graphics right out of the gate.

    This gem comes with commercial rights, so you can start profiting from your designs right away, selling to clients or across platforms.

    Currently, StockDreams is available at a special, discounted price, but don’t stroll – run! The price is inching up every day.

    If you’re seeking a robust income boost and want to craft exceptional designs, pay close attention to everything on the page at the link above.

    StockDreams is reshaping the game, offering you a head start on securing a lucrative income with graphics that stun and sell.

    Even for complete novices.

    Don’t miss out. Take a look now: https://www.vauleonline.co/dreamsgoogle .

    Wishing you unmatched creative success,

    Frank Gallagher

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.vauleonline.co/unsubscribe
    Address: 2147 Rainbow Drive
    Youngstown, OH 44512

  40. Robert Greggs کہتے ہیں


    Social Media is almost DEAD!

    No matter what you post, go live or how much money you spend on ads..

    You just can’t get the traction & results you used to get.

    So where did all the traffic go? Actually, it’s been REINVENTED to give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE if know how to exploit it..

    ==> How to exploit it and get 100k visitors/month: https://www.actionnow.xyz/reelrampageai

    The biggest thing happening in social media right now is "Instagram Reels!”

    And if you’re not using this "SECRET SAUCE” AI technology + Ram’s private strategies to get more reach, followers, traffic & sales – You are missing out BIG TIME.

    Newbies, people with no real skills, no experience, no idea, and some just by pure luck, unknowingly are pulling in 10k, 100k even 1M visitors for every reel they post..

    With ReelRampage AI, you can easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE, attention-grabbing Instagram Reels that drive traffic & sales to your websites, blogs, and offers in just 3 clicks..

    ==> WATCH QUICK DEMO HERE: https://www.actionnow.xyz/reelrampageai

    ReelRampage AI is available for a Low One Time Price during its public launch for the next few days only..

    After this week, it will turn into a higher recurring subscription price model.

    Act fast and get your account at the lowest price ever.

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI For A Low One-Time Price Now: https://www.actionnow.xyz/reelrampageai

    See you inside.

    All the best
    Robert Greggs

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.actionnow.xyz/unsubscribe
    842 Carter Street
    Olney, IL 62450

  41. Kristofer Shillings کہتے ہیں


    It’s been a while since our last conversation, but I just read a warning article online about amazingurdu.com and thought it was important to email you guys to confirm this nonsense.

    It looks like there’s some negative press that could be detrimental.
    Being aware of how quickly rumors can spiral and wishing not you to be unprepared, I thought it best to warn you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    I hope it’s all a mix-up, but I believed it necessary you should know!

    Best wishes,

  42. Johnny Evans کہتے ہیں

    Hey amazingurdu.com,

    Do you ever get frustrated seeing local businesses in your area lack an online presence?
    The antique store with no website…

    The family restaurant ignoring social media…
    The boutique shop without digital ads…

    Their competitors are surging ahead online while they get left behind.
    And it’s not always their fault. Digital marketing seems complicated.

    As a webmaster, you are familiar with Digital marketing, you can earn $8k/mo via Giving Local Businesses An Online Presence! But you also know that creating digital marketing campaigns is time consuming.

    That’s where AISellers comes in : https://www.kagrowth.org/aiseller
    Coupon Code: sellers

    AISellers is a revolutionary AI app that creates digital marketing campaigns tailored for any local business in just 3 simple steps:

    Step 1: Enter business name, details, location
    Step 2: AISellers analyzes business, competitors, customers
    Step 3: It generates optimized online assets like:
    Mesmerizing Explainer, Promo etc Videos for instagram, tiktok, youtube etc.
    Facebook and Google Ads
    ✍️ Landing page and optin page
    Lead Magnets and Freebies
    eBooks for lead generation

    And so much more!

    AISellers enables local businesses to:
    Get Found Locally
    Generate More Leads
    Increase Sales

    It’s perfect for:
    ️ Restaurants
    Law Firms
    Retail Stores

    And any local business!

    With AISellers you get:
    100+ Custom Video Templates
    ⭐ Commercial License Included
    ️ Text-to-Speech Voiceover
    ️ Access to Stock Media Library
    One-Click Publishing & Sharing

    : https://www.kagrowth.org/aiseller
    Coupon Code: sellers

    Become the digital hero for local companies with AISellers!

    And when you get AISellers today, you’ll also get access to my Local Marketing Bundle!

    Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity!

    To Your Success,
    Johnny Evans

    PS – Access AISellers + My Exclusive Bonuses – Ends at Midnight => : https://www.kagrowth.org/aiseller

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.kagrowth.org/unsubscribe
    Address: 3812 Sunrise Road
    Las Vegas, NV 89101

  43. Enriqueta Stauffer کہتے ہیں

    Quick heads up

    We haven’t spoken in a while, but I recently stumbled upon something online about amazingurdu.com and thought it was important to email you guys to validate this nonsense.

    It looks like there’s some negative press that could be potentially damaging.
    Knowing how easily stories can get out of hand and hoping not you to be taken by surprise, I decided to inform you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    I hope it’s all a mix-up, but I believed it necessary you should know!

    Best wishes,

  44. Henry Moody کہتے ہیں


    I’m so excited to bring this to you!

    Today, we’re revealing a secret so big, it’ll feel like you’ve hacked Google itself.

    This isn’t just about getting ahead; it’s about dominating.

    Join us and discover how to turn Google into your personal traffic machine. Get your link, and let’s hack our way to success together!

    Don’t miss out on this. Buy now and become a Google master!

    Click Here: https://www.earnmorenow.info/googletraffichack

    Henry Moody

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.earnmorenow.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 3688 Lynn Street
    Boston, MA 02114

  45. Mike Bradberry کہتے ہیں

    Hi there

    Just checked your amazingurdu.com baclink profile, I noticed a moderate percentage of toxic links pointing to your website

    We will investigate each link for its toxicity and perform a professional clean up for you free of charge.

    Start recovering your ranks today:

    Mike Bradberry
    Hilkom Digital SEO Experts

  46. zakaz-kuhni-cena-CalvinChing کہتے ہیں

    сумка на колесах

  47. Lyle D. Winn کہتے ہیں

    Hi ,

    You’ve probably heard about and perhaps seen Udemy before.

    It’s one of the most popular eLearning platforms, with tens of millions of users.

    How would you like to have your OWN academy, similar to Udemy? Check this out: https://www.vaulemedia.com/coursemateai

    Unlike Udemy, where your course gets added to a marketplace containing thousands of similar courses, this new platform allows you to OWN the entire academy.

    You get a unique URL for your academy, and when visitors go there, you profit from ANYTHING they buy there.

    But wait, it gets even better.

    Instead of having to split your profits with the platform, the payments go DIRECTLY to you and you get to keep 100 percent of the profits!

    As you’ll see, it’s kind of like Udemy, but from an internet marketing and business-owner standpoint, I like this one a lot better.

    Using this brand new platform, you can launch your own eLearning business in a matter of minutes, with no prior experience or technical skills needed – thanks to the power of AI technology.

    I recommend going here and checking it out immediately: https://www.vaulemedia.com/coursemateai

    Right now it’s super affordable during the launch special, but due to high demand they plan to increase the price to a monthly subscription for those who join later. So don’t wait, join today!

    To your success,

    Lyle D. Winn

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.vaulemedia.com/unsubscribe
    Address: 3441 Carriage Court
    Yucca Valley, CA 92284

  48. Jon Levy کہتے ہیں

    4/15/24 is the deadline to claim the SETC for your 2020 amended tax return. Today is 3/7/2024.
    Individuals can still claim their Self-Employed Tax Credit (SETC), worth up to $32,220, under the FFCRA. Here is everything you need to know.
    The Self-Employed Tax Credit (SETC) refers to the sick leave and family leave tax credit provisions for self-employed individuals introduced under the FFCRA. The SETC allows qualified self-employed workers to recover up to $32,220 for 2019, 2020, and 2021.
    Don’t miss your COVID tax credit:
    Call Kerry at 480-790-9186
    Email Kerry at processing@taxcreditfunder.com
    Or watch the explanation here: https://taxcreditfunder.com/en/

  49. Daniel Richards کہتے ہیں

    Hey amazingurdu.com,

    Imagine being able to make 100X profits by finding targeted leads & even sending targeted emails without paying any monthly subscriptions or without any expensive tools. (Or, you can simply join affiliate networks like Shareasale/Commission Junction, and then promote affiliate products to get a lot of commissions.)
    & to do all that…

    You don’t need to have prior tech or marketing skills.
    Feeling lured?

    Say Hi To SendBuddy AI: https://www.moregold.xyz/sendbuddyai
    World’s First, AI Powered Email Marketing Technology That Lets You Find Millions Of Red Hot Leads & Even Send Them Targeted Emails Right Inside Their Inbox in Less Than 60 Seconds.

    Just follow 3 easy steps to get started-
    #1- Login
    #2- Find
    #3- Send & Profit

    Here are some of its amazing benefits-
    · First To Market, Cutting Edge AI Powered Email Marketing Technology That’s The Future Of Intelligent Solutions
    · Instantly Target Most Profitable Leads & Convert Them Into Lifetime Buyers
    · Uncover Red-Hot Email Leads In Seconds
    · Detailed Information On Each Lead To Make Long Term Profitable Business Connections
    · Get AI-Optimized Deliverability To Send Emails Right Into Customers Inbox
    · Remove Unwanted Leads Using Premium Email Lead Filters
    · Schedule Prospect Email Followups To Remove All Manual Work
    · Personalized AI Generated Emails That Boost Open Rates
    · Zero Website Scraping Or Third Party Ads Needed
    · Easily Reach Out To Prospects Using Multi Channel Sequences
    · Get Detailed Analytics & Stats For Campaigns To Maximize Profits
    · Extract RED HOT Leads & Leave The Boring Ones At Bay
    · Send Emails At Different Times In A Day To Avoid Spam Folder
    · Edit & Resend High Converting Emails To Maximize Commissions
    · Save Thousands Of Dollars On Third Party Email Marketing Apps
    · No Find A Single Lead Or Send Any Email Yourself- Our Revolutionary AI Does It All
    · Iron-Clad 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee Included…
    · & tons of other benefits with your access today

    So, what are you waiting for?

    Get SendBuddy AI With Premium Bonuses Today: https://www.moregold.xyz/sendbuddyai

    Daniel Richards

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.moregold.xyz/unsubscribe

    Address: 1093 Crowfield Road
    Gilbert, AZ 85233

  50. Herman Bracewell کہتے ہیں


    It’s been a while, but I just got emailed a very negative opinon online about amazingurdu.com and felt compelled to reach out to confirm this review.

    It looks like there’s some negative press that could be potentially damaging.
    Understanding how quickly rumors can spiral and wishing not you to be unprepared, I decided to notify you.

    Here’s the source of the info:


    I’m hoping it’s all a misunderstanding, but I believed it necessary you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

  51. Preston Jones کہتے ہیں

    we all know that getting high-quality authority links is the REAL key to long-term page 1 rankings, right?

    It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to:

    – do some quick launch jacking..
    – rank your video on page 1
    – rank your niche sites on page 1
    – rank your e-commerce sites on page 1
    – rank your Amazon listings
    – rank your CLIENT’s sites
    – or rank ANY kind of content for that matter..

    WITHOUT high-quality syndication, you’re getting NO WHERE – Guaranteed!

    And that’s why I’m excited to get this PROVEN system, DFY Suite, into your hands.

    DFY Suite will allow you to Get FREE, Targeted BUYER-Traffic In 48 Hours Or Less By Leveraging The Power Of High-Quality Social Syndication With their NEW, Done-For-YOU System!

    AND they have just released their BIGGEST update to date.

    They’ve made it better easier and faster to get ALL of your rankings DONE FOR YOU!

    Introducing DFY Suite 5.0!

    Yup, you can now leverage the POWER of Page 1 Rankings Via Social Syndication for ANY location and/or ANY language with:

    – NO Software To Install
    – No Software Training To Learn
    – No previous SEO knowledge or experience
    – No Social Account Creation Needed
    – No Content Needed Besides their URL
    – No Proxies or Captchas Needed
    – NONE of that stuff..

    Heck, you don’t even need to KNOW what social syndication IS lol

    All you need to do is:

    1. Login to the web-based portal
    2. Submit your Keywords and URL you want traffic for
    3. Hit “Submit”

    Yup, That’s IT!

    From There their System Will Get To Work And Build You HUNDREDS of High-Quality Syndication Links To Your Content to skyrocket it to page 1 of Google!

    PLUS, if you’re 100% NEW to SEO, they’re also including a quick CRASH course on Keyword Research AND Content optimization that should take you no more than 20-30 minutes to go through.

    With DFY Suite PLUS the Keyword Research and Content Optimization crash course, you’ll be able to start getting traffic from Google without EVER having to spend HOURS upon HOURS doing the HEAVY-LIFTING yourself.

    Check out DFY Suite Here: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dfysuite

    “But wait, did you say they’ve just opened 5.0?”

    Yup, and with their 5.0 updates they have made their platform BETTER, FASTER and MORE powerful to Deliver you even MORE rankings, Traffic & sales.

    In version 5.0 they have:

    – 5x’d their sites, 5x’d the authority, 5x’d the ranking power! Now instead of being able to get up to 200 different syndication links to your content, you can get up to 1,000! And the domains they’ve added are ALL packing A LOT more authority

    – Done for you GLOBAL Rankings. Yup, WORLDWIDE Rankings are finally HERE via their multi-language support. Yes, you read that correctly! They now cover EVERY LANGUAGE you can think of, so you can get page 1 rankings REGARDLESS of where you are in the world!

    – Totally revamped their server set up to now Include IP’s from ALL over the world to SUPERCHARGE their new WORLDWIDE ranking power!

    – Totally revamped their content generation system Which is now powered by REAL Artificial intelligence With Creaite being the engine to that! REAl A.I means QUALITY, unique content being written for EVERY campaign You submit. And we ALL know how much Google loves quality content.

    – and much much more… (they have a WHOLE section And video covering what’s new in 5.0 – there’s 7 MAJOR updates total)

    This is EASILY their MOST powerful update To date and you can get access to it at an INSANE discount.

    Check out how it works here: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dfysuite

    This is the GO-TO platform for DFY, page 1 rankings!

    Preston Jones

    P.S. Getting page 1 rankings has NEVER been easier.

    With DFY Suite You’ll be able to:

    – rank your videos on page 1
    – rank your niche sites on page 1
    – rank your e-commerce sites on page 1
    – rank your Amazon listings
    – rank your CLIENT’s sites
    – rank ANY URL you’d like to get traffic for..

    It’s really the PERFECT solution for us “lazy” seo marketers hahah

    And their 5.0 updates have REALLY taken things to the NEXT level!

    check it out here: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dfysuite

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.truevaule.xyz/unsubscribe

    Address: 3509 B Street, Farmington, MN 55024

  52. Robin Cash کہتے ہیں


    If you ever tried to get followers on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram you know how HARD, TIME TAKING, and EXPENSIVE it can be.

    The only way to become successful was to drop everything else – create 5-20 high-quality content EVERYDAY, for maybe 2-3 years, then luckily you might get 10K-50K followers

    But NOT Anymore! The Biggest Reel-VOLUTION of 2024 is here..

    If you know how to EXPLOIT Instagram & FB FAVOURITISM for reel…

    … you can drive 100,000s maybe millions of visitors, grow your subs, followers to 10k-100k or more in just weeks!

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI (see Results here): https://www.busitoday.co/reelins

    Imagine posting 15-30 sec videos, getting MILLIONS of free viewers, followers, fame – with ZERO budget & ads.

    All you need is this “secret sauce” AI tech.. Which helps you quickly and easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE Instagram Reels in minutes..

    Then follow the STEP BY STEP process and watch your stats skyrocket. (private training & strategies included)

    See the kind of results kids, newbies, everyday people are getting with Reels:

    "7.7 Millions Views Posting Affiliate Offers”
    "4.5 Millions Views Posting eCom Products”
    "421K Views Posting Just Images As Reels”
    "10.4 Millions Views Posting Other People Videos”

    If you are ready to get an UNFAIR Advantage..and EXPLOIT Instagram & FB for 10s of THOUSANDs of subs, followers in days.. grab ReelRampage AI now.

    ==> Get your copy here: https://www.busitoday.co/reelins

    Talk soon,
    Robin Cash

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.busitoday.co/unsubscribe
    Address: 2048 County Line Road
    Winter Haven, FL 33830

  53. Hiram Adams کہتے ہیں

    Hey there Visionary,

    Ever feel like you’re in an endless battle for traffic, stuck between high-cost ads and the slow burn of SEO? It’s time to tap into a gold mine that most are overlooking: Google Image Search powered by AI.

    Introducing StockDreams, the game-changer in visual content creation: https://www.realdollar.xyz/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams isn’t just another image tool; it’s a visionary’s playground, powered by AI to ensure your visuals do more than just ‘show’ – they perform.

    With StockDreams, you’re unlocking an arsenal of AI-generated visuals, from captivating stock images and vibrant illustrations to bespoke logos, icons, and even brand characters.

    Not to mention the doodles that can bring the fun to your brand voice, and product images that sell not just a product but a story.

    Here’s what StockDreams unlocks for you:

    ?? AI-generated stock images tailored to your niche.

    ?? Custom illustrations to give your content a polished, professional edge.

    ?? Dynamic logos and icons that capture your brand essence.

    ?? Unique brand characters to personify your business and connect with audiences.

    ??? Engaging doodles to humanize your marketing and make it relatable.

    ?? Product images that spotlight your offerings in the best light.

    And all of this comes with an easy-to-use image editor that makes customization a breeze.

    Ready to revolutionize how you attract visitors? Dive into the world of StockDreams: https://www.realdollar.xyz/dreamsgoogle

    Wave goodbye to traffic woes and hello to a visually-rich future.

    StockDreams is not just a solution; it’s your partner in capturing the attention your business deserves.

    Unlock your potential, one click at a time.

    Excited for you to see the difference,

    Hiram Adams

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.realdollar.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 1737 Chenoweth Drive
    Cookeville, TN 38501

  54. Alicia Luxton کہتے ہیں


    We haven’t spoken in a while, but I just saw a warning article online about amazingurdu.com and immediately needed to reach out to confirm this article.

    It seems like there’s some unfavorable news that could be harmful to your reputation.
    Understanding how fast misinformation can spread and hoping not you to be unprepared, I felt the need to warn you.

    Here’s where I came across the info:


    My hope is it’s all a mix-up, but I thought it best you should know!

    Best wishes,

  55. John Wood کہتے ہیں

    Amazing product alert!

    Ever dreamed of making money from Google traffic so easily it almost feels like magic? Well, dream no more! We’ve got the golden key to unlock endless earnings, and it’s launching now!

    This isn’t just another product; it’s a revolution that’s set to explode. With our strategy, you’ll see cash flowing in faster than you can count.

    Don’t miss out on the action. Get your link now, and let’s make this the biggest payday yet!

    Act fast – it’s time to turn those dreams into reality. Buy now!

    Click Here : https://www.solveques.xyz/googletraffichack

    John Wood

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.solveques.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 2320 Oliverio Drive
    Big Bow, KS 67832

  56. Rana کہتے ہیں

    Hi, This is Rana. I’m reaching out to offer my expertise in social media management, including strategic calendar planning, captivating post creation as per your business, e-commerce product promotion, SEO-friendly social media captions, and design services such as brochures, posters, and flyers tailored to enhance your brand’s social media presence and engage your audience effectively.

    My rate is USD 20 per hour. I can provide you a fixed quote as per your requirements.

    Drop me an email at socialmedia1145@outlook.com to discuss it further.

  57. Michael Walker کہتے ہیں


    Throughout the past few years, billions of people around the world have made drastic changes to their daily lives.

    This particular industry has been growing EXPLOSIVELY, and it seems all the world is now hooked on it: https://www.nowbusiness.info/coursemateai

    What are they hooked on?

    eLearning. I’m guessing you’ve heard about and seen it by now. There’s a good chance you’ve been a participant too.

    The eLearning industry has absolutely exploded with growth, as it has gained tens of millions of new participants each month and continues to grow daily.

    All kinds of people have jumped into the eLearning world. Students of all ages have integrated eLearning into their schooling, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    Professionals in all fields have turned to eLearning to increase their knowledge, or learn new skills to help them with better employment.

    Others ranging from stay-home-moms to retirees have been flocking to eLearning to enhance their lives, become healthier, and participate in new hobbies.

    When you factor in all the pet-training courses, it literally seems like everyone including grandma, and grandma’s dog is getting involved in eLearning!

    The eLearning market is now a $400 Billion industry and is predicted to grow it $840 Billion by the end of the decade.

    This is the perfect time to jump into the eLearning market, and I’ve got a great opportunity for you to start today.

    Using this brand-new AI-powered platform, you can launch your own eLearning business in a matter of minutes, with no prior experience or technical skills needed!

    I recommend going here and checking it out immediately: https://www.nowbusiness.info/coursemateai

    The launch special will be expiring soon, so don’t wait.

    Others are already joining this great opportunity, don’t let it slip by!

    To your success,

    Michael Walker

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.nowbusiness.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 1264 Prospect Street
    Haddonfield, NJ 08033

  58. Kevin Ellis کہتے ہیں

    Hey amazingurdu.com,

    Are you looking to get more traffic, followers and sales FAST?

    You could be missing out on a HUGE opportunity – Instagram Reels.

    ==> : https://www.keydollar.xyz/reelins

    Why it’s such a BIG DEAL right now?

    – It’s 100x faster and easier than creating long-form content

    – There is a WARM BUYER AUDIENCE (25-34 yr olds) that is eager to view & engage

    – Instagram & FB gives MORE EXPOSURE & PRIORITIZE Reel content

    – Getting organic reach has never been easier, you can get to MILLIONS of free views!

    Now – the only thing you need is a "SECRET SAUCE” AI technology to help you quickly and easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE Reels..

    Plus, with their Step-by-step training, strategies, you can EXPLOIT Instagram & FB for 10s of THOUSANDs of visitors, followers in days..

    Drive these traffic to your website, offers, products…

    The best part is – you can do all this without writing scripts, editing, spending hrs everyday and ANY special skills.

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI before it’s too late: https://www.keydollar.xyz/reelins

    See you inside

    Kevin Ellis

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.keydollar.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 3655 James Avenue
    Lyons, NY 14489

  59. Dalene Llanas کہتے ہیں

    Hey hey!

    It’s been a while since our last conversation, but I recently stumbled upon a slam piece online about amazingurdu.com and immediately needed to message you guys to confirm this nonsense.

    It seems like there’s some unfavorable news that could be detrimental.
    Understanding how quickly rumors can spiral and hoping not you to be caught off guard, I thought it best to inform you.

    Here’s the source of the info:


    My hope is it’s all a mix-up, but I thought it best you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

  60. Albert Robey کہتے ہیں

    Hello Visionary,

    Let’s face it, Photoshop has been both a blessing and a bane for many of us. Photoshop and Illustrator are powerhouses for digital creativity, but that steep learning curve? It’s like signing up for a four-year degree in graphic design!

    However, there’s a brighter, far simpler path to graphic excellence. It’s called StockDreams, and you can catch a glimpse here: https://www.actionnow.xyz/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams is the leveler – the platform where literally ANYONE can create top-tier graphics with ease.

    Choose from the vast selection of AI-generated templates, tweak to taste, and voilà, you’re crafting visuals that even Michelangelo would nod at. Plus, these are not just for your portfolio; they’re assets you can monetize handsomely.

    Even if design software has never been your friend, StockDreams is your ally. It’s straightforward:

    Select the image type.
    Describe with a few words.
    Download and sell your creations for profit!

    It’s so intuitive that users of any age can create striking graphics right out of the gate.

    This gem comes with commercial rights, so you can start profiting from your designs right away, selling to clients or across platforms.

    Currently, StockDreams is available at a special, discounted price, but don’t stroll – run! The price is inching up every day.

    If you’re seeking a robust income boost and want to craft exceptional designs, pay close attention to everything on the page at the link above.

    StockDreams is reshaping the game, offering you a head start on securing a lucrative income with graphics that stun and sell.

    Even for complete novices.

    Don’t miss out. Take a look now: https://www.actionnow.xyz/dreamsgoogle .

    Wishing you unmatched creative success,

    Albert Robey

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.actionnow.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 246 Black Oak Hollow Road
    Sunnyvale, CA 94089


  61. Michael Walls کہتے ہیں

    Hi amazingurdu.com,

    I’m so excited to bring this to you!

    Today, we’re revealing a secret so big, it’ll feel like you’ve hacked Google itself.

    This isn’t just about getting ahead; it’s about dominating.

    Join us and discover how to turn Google into your personal traffic machine. Get your link, and let’s hack our way to success together!

    Don’t miss out on this. Buy now and become a Google master!

    Click Here: https://www.enterprisetoday.info/googletraffichack

    Michael Walls

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.enterprisetoday.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 464 Charla Lane
    Dallas, TX 75247

  62. Drew Harms کہتے ہیں

    Get Found On The First Page of Google in Less Than 2 weeks by Using our Priority Stealth S.E.O. Syndication Method.

    Pay us once and you’ll get Organic Search Engine Results using videos that will continue to drive traffic 24/7 year round!

    The Benefits are incredible – since by paying us once there will be:

    – No Additional Ad spend needed!

    – No Additional Costs for Ad copy!

    – No Additional Costs per Clicks!

    – No Commercial Licensing fees ever!

    Get Started Today and Get Seen Tomorrow!

    Learn More: Reviews2Videos.com

  63. Laurence Traeger کہتے ہیں


    It’s been some time, but I just read a very negative opinon online about amazingurdu.com and thought it important to reach out to validate this nonsense.

    It appears like there’s some negative press that could be harmful to your reputation.
    Understanding how fast misinformation can spread and wishing not you to be taken by surprise, I decided to warn you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    I hope it’s all a simple confusion, but I thought it best you should know!

    All the best to you,

  64. Jeremy Hartley کہتے ہیں

    Hi amazingurdu.com,

    You’ve no-doubt heard about the success of Udemy and other eLearning platforms like it.

    Last year Udemy alone did in the range of $600-700 Million, and the industry as a whole is around $400 Billion.

    But here’s a dirty little secret about the business: Udemy isn’t even making profits yet.

    OK, technically it’s not a secret since they’re a publicly-held company, but most of their instructors and customers are certainly not aware of it.

    Along with their competitors in the industry, they’re focused on growth, and as a result they’re losing tens of millions of dollars every quarter.

    That’s not to say that it’s a bad business, or won’t become profitable.

    However, I bring this up to make two points:

    1) There’s a better way for most of us to start an eLearning business.

    2) You really can compete with platforms like Udemy.

    Here’s a brand new AI solution that allowed you to start your own Udemy-like academies in a matter of minutes: https://www.busihelp.xyz/coursemateai

    While companies like Udemy are building their business like a typical startup in the world of Fortune 500 companies (raising gazillions from investors, taking years to become profitable, etc.), individual entrepreneurs can create a profitable business immediately.

    No red tape to cut through. No investors to keep happy and pay back. You can start for pennies and be profitable from day one.

    In that sense, you REALLY can compete with platforms like Udemy.

    Using this new AI platform called CourseMateAi, you can also compete with them in other ways.

    By harnessing the power of AI, you can generate new courses on any topic, at any time.

    That gives you an edge over those other platforms. Suppose there is a new trend or breakthrough in a niche. You can create a course with the AI and launch it within minutes, while instructors on Udemy are scrambling for weeks to do the same.

    Again, all this is not to say that the mega-platforms like Udemy and Coursera are bad. Just to say that you can beat them at their own game by leveraging this new technology today: https://www.busihelp.xyz/coursemateai

    Right now CourseMateAi is super affordable during the launch special, but the price will be increasing to a monthly subscription due to huge demand. Get in now before it’s too late.

    To your success,

    Jeremy Hartley

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.busihelp.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 2416 Queens Lane
    Lynchburg, VA 24504

  65. William Ziemba کہتے ہیں

    Hey amazingurdu.com,

    It’s a FACT that Instagram is the HOTTEST & BIGGEST traffic and buyer platforms right now.

    Traffic, money, fame.. it’s ALL there for the taking.. If you know what to do.

    But only if you know how to exploit it..

    ==> See How To EXPLOIT INSTAGRAM & generate 100k visitors next month: https://www.vauleonline.co/reelins

    Instagram (and FB) is Favouring Reels, and organically PUSHING them hard resulting in massive reach, engagement, traffic & sales..

    Many websites, newbies, small businesses went from being (almost) unknown to building huge empires and getting rich using Reels as their primary source of traffic.

    BUT.. you need to post a LOT of reels everyday and that takes hours & days to do…

    … plus you must know the RIGHT way, RIGHT strategy to create & post reels or they won’t even get seen.

    With ReelRampage AI, a new "SECRET SAUCE” AI technology that helps you quickly and easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE, attention grabbing Reels in minutes…

    … getting you more reach, followers, traffic & sales.. FAST!

    ==> Watch Quick Demo Here : https://www.vauleonline.co/reelins

    Plus with Ram’s step-by-step video training and case studies, you’ll have everything you need to become a reels master & take your traffic game to the next level!

    ReelRampage AI is available for a Low One Time Price during its public launch for the next few days only..

    After this week, it will turn into a higher recurring subscription price model.

    Take action now to start getting free leads and sales

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI For A Low One-Time Price Now : https://www.vauleonline.co/reelins

    All the best,
    William Ziemba

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.vauleonline.co/unsubscribe
    Address: 2874 Red Maple Drive
    Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

  66. Jacob Weingarth کہتے ہیں

    SEO ensures your website stands out when people search for products or services. Google prioritizes relevance and reliability to decide which sites appear on the first pages, underscoring the need for effective website presentation.

    SEO Benefits in Brief:
    1. Boosts Visibility and Traffic:
    2. Establishes Trust:
    3. Yields High ROI:
    4. Enhances User Experience:
    Google announced prioritizing pages based on user experience in their algorithm.
    In essence, SEO is your key to standing out, building trust, and ensuring a high return on investment.

    Contact us at https://digitalpromax.co/?src=a14amazingurdu.com

    Also Need expert hands on your WordPress projects? We’ve got you covered. Let’s discuss how our WordPress developers can boost your web endeavors.

    Click here for more details: https://outsource-bpo.com/website/?src=a14amazingurdu.com

  67. Mike Simpson کہتے ہیں

    Hi there

    This is Mike Simpson

    Let me show you our latest research results from our constant SEO feedbacks that we have from our plans:


    The new Semrush Backlinks, which will make your amazingurdu.com SEO trend have an immediate push.
    The method is actually very simple, we are building links from domains that have a high number of keywords ranking for them. 

    Forget about the SEO metrics or any other factors that so many tools try to teach you that is good. The most valuable link is the one that comes from a website that has a healthy trend and lots of ranking keywords.
    We thought about that, so we have built this plan for you

    Check in detail here:

    Cheap and effective

    Try it anytime soon

    Mike Simpson


  68. Orville Barrier کہتے ہیں


    We haven’t spoken in a while, but I came across something online about amazingurdu.com and thought it was important to email you guys to validate this review.

    It appears like there’s some negative press that could be detrimental.
    Knowing how fast misinformation can spread and hoping not you to be taken by surprise, I decided to notify you.

    Here’s the source of the info:


    I hope it’s all a mix-up, but I thought it best you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

  69. David Borchgrevink کہتے ہیں

    Have you heard of Se-REM? (Self effective – Rapid Eye Movement). Many people don’t know that REM brain activity dramatically improves the processing of traumatic emotion. It creates peace and empowers the listener. Se-REM is an advanced version of EMDR therapy. It is more powerful because it combines elements of 6 different therapies, EMDR, hypnosis, mindfulness, Gestalt child within work, music therapy, and Awe therapy,(connecting profoundly with nature).

    It has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, and anxiety. But it is also helpful in a great many situations, loss of any kind, grief, and even marital counseling. It’s mission statement is "Trauma relief at as close to free as possible”. This not-for-profit program downloads to a smart phone or computer and can be used in an office or at home. Read about it, hear samples, and download at: Se-REM.com. Once you own the program, you are encouraged to give it away to others who will benefit. I provide free consultation to all who use the program. Write questions to: davidb@se-rem.com.

    Se-REM.com has a 95% rating on Trustpilot and is in use in 32 countries.

  70. Whitney McKinney کہتے ہیں

    Hey there Visionary,

    Ever feel like you’re in an endless battle for traffic, stuck between high-cost ads and the slow burn of SEO? It’s time to tap into a gold mine that most are overlooking: Google Image Search powered by AI.

    Introducing StockDreams, the game-changer in visual content creation: https://www.kagrowth.org/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams isn’t just another image tool; it’s a visionary’s playground, powered by AI to ensure your visuals do more than just ‘show’ – they perform.

    With StockDreams, you’re unlocking an arsenal of AI-generated visuals, from captivating stock images and vibrant illustrations to bespoke logos, icons, and even brand characters.

    Not to mention the doodles that can bring the fun to your brand voice, and product images that sell not just a product but a story.

    Here’s what StockDreams unlocks for you:

    ?? AI-generated stock images tailored to your niche.

    ?? Custom illustrations to give your content a polished, professional edge.

    ?? Dynamic logos and icons that capture your brand essence.

    ?? Unique brand characters to personify your business and connect with audiences.

    ??? Engaging doodles to humanize your marketing and make it relatable.

    ?? Product images that spotlight your offerings in the best light.

    And all of this comes with an easy-to-use image editor that makes customization a breeze.

    Ready to revolutionize how you attract visitors? Dive into the world of StockDreams: https://www.kagrowth.org/dreamsgoogle

    Wave goodbye to traffic woes and hello to a visually-rich future.

    StockDreams is not just a solution; it’s your partner in capturing the attention your business deserves.

    Unlock your potential, one click at a time.

    Excited for you to see the difference,

    Whitney McKinney

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.kagrowth.org/unsubscribe
    Address: 3587 Meadowcrest Lane
    Beattyville, KY 41311


  71. zakaz-kuhni-cena-CalvinChing کہتے ہیں

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  72. Kimberly Cochran کہتے ہیں

    Hey amazingurdu.com,

    Wish you could get floods of traffic with just a click? Today is your lucky day! We’re launching something so big, it’s going to change the game forever.

    Imagine directing a tsunami of eager visitors straight to your website. Our upcoming launch is making waves, and our community is buzzing with excitement.

    Secure your spot now. Dive in, and let the traffic tsunami boost your sales to sky-high levels!

    Don’t wait – the wave is coming. Buy now and ride the traffic tsunami to success!

    Click Here: https://www.earnmorenow.info/gettraffic

    Kimberly Cochran

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.earnmorenow.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 4348 Ridenour Street
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

  73. Robert Campbell کہتے ہیں

    Hi amazingurdu.com,

    Ever wondered, "What if Udemy and ChatGPT had a baby?” Well, ponder no more!

    Meet CourseMateAi, the revolutionary eLearning platform that’s about to change the game: https://www.vaulemedia.com/profitcourse

    Imagine owning your very own academy. That’s right, YOUR academy. With CourseMateAi, it’s not just a dream; it’s your new reality.

    But wait, it gets even better. CourseMateAi harnesses the power of AI technology to create courses on literally any topic you can think of. Yes, ANY topic. The possibilities? Endless.

    The best thing is, you get to keep 100% of the profits!

    With CourseMateAi, you’re not just an instructor; you’re a pioneer and leader in the world of eLearning.

    You can now harness the power of AI to build your own academy with courses in any niche,and make a lot of dollars.

    Yes, the AI creates the courses too. Check out the demo here and join today: https://www.vaulemedia.com/profitcourse

    Right now, it’s super affordable during the launch special, but due to high demand they plan to increase the price to a monthly subscription for those who join later. So don’t wait, check it out now!

    To your success,

    Robert Campbell

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.vaulemedia.com/unsubscribe
    Address: 669 Fleming Street
    Montgomery, AL 36104

  74. Pillsscona کہتے ہیں

    Erectile dysfunction treatments available online from TruePills.
    Discreet, next day delivery and lowest price guarantee.

    Viagra is a well-known, branded and common erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment for men.
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  75. Jerome Espitia کہتے ہیں

    Hey amazingurdu.com,

    How would you like to get Bitc0in and ethereum from the comfort of your own home?

    But without all the headaches:

    No trading it..
    No buying it..
    No mining it…

    Instead, what if you could get it at no cost?

    With nothing but your phone or computer?

    It’s all possible with this brand new system..

    =>> Click Here To See How It’s Done: https://www.moregold.xyz/coinz

    This is seriously creative..


    And most importantly it WORKS!

    You’ve got to give this a try..

    =>> Click Here To Receive Bitc0in: https://www.moregold.xyz/coinz

    You’re going to love this one 🙂

    My best,
    Jerome Espitia

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.moregold.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 2294 Hazelwood Avenue
    West Des Moines, IA 50266

  76. Verlene Oram کہتے ہیں

    Discover the revolutionary capabilities of MobiApp AI


    the exceptional AI-driven application that converts any website URL, concepts, keywords, blogs, pages, and e-commerce store into Android and iOS mobile applications within a minute!
    Seize the chance to elevate your online presence with this amazing opportunity. Participate in the MobiApp AI Group Buy

  77. princip_ldkr کہتے ہیں

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    запросы api [url=https://www.apiaccess.ru#запросы-api]https://www.apiaccess.ru[/url] .

  78. Sean Johnson کہتے ہیں

    Hello Visionary,

    Let’s face it, Photoshop has been both a blessing and a bane for many of us. Photoshop and Illustrator are powerhouses for digital creativity, but that steep learning curve? It’s like signing up for a four-year degree in graphic design!

    However, there’s a brighter, far simpler path to graphic excellence. It’s called StockDreams, and you can catch a glimpse here: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams is the leveler – the platform where literally ANYONE can create top-tier graphics with ease.

    Choose from the vast selection of AI-generated templates, tweak to taste, and voilà, you’re crafting visuals that even Michelangelo would nod at. Plus, these are not just for your portfolio; they’re assets you can monetize handsomely.

    Even if design software has never been your friend, StockDreams is your ally. It’s straightforward:

    Select the image type.
    Describe with a few words.
    Download and sell your creations for profit!

    It’s so intuitive that users of any age can create striking graphics right out of the gate.

    This gem comes with commercial rights, so you can start profiting from your designs right away, selling to clients or across platforms.

    Currently, StockDreams is available at a special, discounted price, but don’t stroll – run! The price is inching up every day.

    If you’re seeking a robust income boost and want to craft exceptional designs, pay close attention to everything on the page at the link above.

    StockDreams is reshaping the game, offering you a head start on securing a lucrative income with graphics that stun and sell.

    Even for complete novices.

    Don’t miss out. Take a look now: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dreamsgoogle .

    Wishing you unmatched creative success,

    Sean Johnson

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.truevaule.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 1793 Sunny Glen Lane
    Garfield Heights, OH 44128


  79. Preston Finkel کہتے ہیں

    hi there!

    It’s been some time since we last communicated, but I recently stumbled upon an article online about amazingurdu.com and felt it necessary to reach out to validate this review.

    It appears like there’s some rumors circulating that could be potentially damaging.
    Understanding how easily stories can get out of hand and not wanting you to be caught off guard, I decided to inform you.

    Here’s where I came across the info:


    My hope is it’s all a mix-up, but I believed it necessary you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

  80. Mark Slone کہتے ہیں


    If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50 and Bigger package 15 Million forms for Just $125. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email virgo.t3@gmail.com or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

  81. Jerry Henn کہتے ہیں

    Amazing product alert, amazingurdu.com!

    Ever dreamed of making money from Google traffic so easily it almost feels like magic? Well, dream no more! We’ve got the golden key to unlock endless earnings, and it’s launching now!

    This isn’t just another product; it’s a revolution that’s set to explode. With our strategy, you’ll see cash flowing in faster than you can count.

    Don’t miss out on the action. Get your link now, and let’s make this the biggest payday yet!

    Act fast – it’s time to turn those dreams into reality. Buy now!

    Click Here : https://www.busitoday.co/gettraffic

    Jerry Henn

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.busitoday.co/unsubscribe
    Address: 3850 Prudence Street
    Maryland Heights, MI 63043

  82. Phil Stewart کہتے ہیں

    Quick question for you, would you like me to blast your ad to millions of contact forms? I posted my ad to your contact form just now and you’re reading it so there’s proof it works. Take a look at my site below for more info


  83. Pillsscona کہتے ہیں

    Erectile dysfunction treatments available online from TruePills.
    Discreet, next day delivery and lowest price guarantee.

    Viagra is a well-known, branded and common erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment for men.
    It’s available through our Online TruePills service.

    Trial ED Pack consists of the following ED drugs:

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  84. Phil Stewart کہتے ہیں

    Want Your Ad Everywhere? Reach Millions Instantly! For less than $100 I can blast your message to website contact forms globally. Contact me via skype or email below for info

    Phil Stewart
    Email: jw9uba@submitmaster.xyz
    Skype: form-blasting

  85. Phil Stewart کہتے ہیں

    Interested in maximizing your reach? You’re reading this message and I can get others to read your ad the exact same way! Drop me an email below to learn more about our services and start spreading your message effectively!

    P. Stewart
    Email: q6f4xm@submitmaster.xyz
    Skype: form-blasting

  86. Phil Stewart کہتے ہیں

    Youve just demonstrated the power of contact form blasting by reading this message! The key to successful advertising is getting your ad noticed, and youve done exactly that – noticed my ad! Lets amplify your reach and drive sales, followers, and YouTube views. Discover our high-volume blasting plans designed for affiliate marketers and agencies.Find more information on my site


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